There is a little corner in my bedroom where the majority of my plants live. I placed them there about a month or so ago since they weren’t getting enough sunlight in the rest of my apartment; the big south-facing window in the bedroom is ideal for them to get their needed sunlight in order to grow. And growing they are! Just look at them!

My fern was starting to get me worried. The poor thing has struggled growing new stems and was crisping up, so I was beginning to lose hope that it would ever look as beautiful as the one that a friend has. But hope has arrived once again with the growth of four (!) fern stems. I am careful around them as I watch them stretch with the passing days.

My little buddy, Chip (fiddle leaf fig), has also grown a new leaf that is now bigger than the leaves that came before it. He gets his name from him having a single small leaf when I first bought him at a local nursery.

The Rescue (which I think is a heartleaf philodendron) was dubbed that name because I rescued it from a place that wasn’t taking care of it at all. It broke my heart seeing it slowly dying, so I did what you’re probably thinking I did and took it in. Now it’s watered, in the sunlight, and growing a handful of leaves!

And last, but not least, the monstera deliciosia who has yet to get those iconic swiss cheese edges, but one who has my heart because she’s been growing slowly and steadily since I bought her at Ralph’s, a grocery store. It was the most unexpected place to find a plant, but now that I found her there, I make sure to check if there are any other plants welcoming me to their lives.

Seeing the plants each morning and spritzing them with water before I start my day has become a small ritual that I didn’t know would be so rewarding. I originally wanted the plants to be in the living room so that they could be admired by friends who visited, but I’m beginning to see how beautiful it is to have something intimate, something that really only my partner and I get to witness grow.

I’m beginning to see how beautiful it is to have something intimate, something that really only my partner and I get to witness grow.