Walking through the neighborhood the other day, I came across a lone-standing toilet on the curb of someone’s lawn.

It reminded me of that scene in the film The Help where dozens of toilets were dropped off on the antagonist’s, Hilly’s, lawn when the main protagonist, Skeeter, purposefully mistyped Hilly’s “sanitation initiative” advertisement in the local newspaper. It read “commodes” instead of “coats. Hilly was furious.

After taking the picture of the lone commode, I decided I would read the novel that the film was adapted from, The Help by Kathryn Stockett. I am now about 100 pages away from finishing it, and I can say that I don’t like Skeeter but have fallen more in love with Aibleen and Milly, two of the maids Skeeter is interviewing.

The most tender scene so far was when Aibeleen told a story to Mae Mobley, the three-year-old child she is raising:

Today I’m on tell you bout a man from outer space.” She just loves hearing about peoples from outer space. Her favorite show on the tee-vee is My Favorite Martian. I pull on my antennae hats I shaped last night out a tinfoil, fasten em on our heads. One for her and one for me. We look like we a couple a crazy people in them things.
“One day, a wise Martian come down to Earth to teach us people a thing or two,” I say.

“Martian? How big?”
“Oh, he about six-two.”
“What’s his name?”
“Martin Luther King.”
She take a deep breath and lean her head down on my shoulder. I feel her three-year-old heart racing against mine, flapping like butterflies on my white uniform.
“He was a real nice Martian, Mister King. Looked just like us, nose, mouth, hair up on his head, but sometime people looked at him funny and sometime, well, I guess sometime people was just downright mean.”
I could get in a lot of trouble telling her these little stories, especially with Mister Leeolt (Mae’s dad). But Mae Mobley know these our “secret stories.”
“Why Aibee? Why was they so mean to him?” she ask.
“Cause he was green.”

I smiled when I read that she made each of them an aluminum hat. It’s now my favorite part.

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