Hi, everyone! After a busy three months, I am finally writing you an update. In case you missed the news, Amin and I moved to Northern California at the end of last year. Amin got a new job and, after an unintended three-month sabbatical, I got one too! I now work as a shift supervisor at Starbucks and will be starting a part-time government job soon. I feel as though I have the best of both worlds as I try and pivot my career toward my goal of owning a stationary store in the near future.

As I get settled and learn to navigate both of my work schedules, I notice that my personal projects are what is keeping me going. Despite coming home tired from working all day, I still feel a flame in me. I might not do something about it each day, but the flame is there. It makes me feel like I’m onto something and that I’m on the right path.

Now that the season is turning and waking up the earth, bright lime green leaves burst from the shrubs on our patio. Mourning doves coo in the afternoon and neighborhood cats nap on our covered fire pit. The sun retires later and gives a reprieve when I come home and it is still light out. A quiet home, and Spring is singing.

I am happy and doing well and will do my best to keep you updated from time to time. For now, I hope you enjoy the start of spring and the company of those around you.

Cecilia Storyteller

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