Kid art gallery

August 30, 2023 – 9:45 AM

Pavo (above) and Karla's (below) drawings liven up my space and remind me to be playful.
The latest artwork in my collection is that of my younger cousins Karla and Pavo in Mexico. They sat themselves down and drew countless pages with the tempera paint sticks I brought for the trip. They gave me a drawing each day—their paper gifts piling up on my open suitcase.
This is another drawing of Karla's. She drew a portrait of my mom, which I think is spot on!
Karla’s portrait makes me smile each time I see it (see the drawing that’s framed above). She nailed the color combination and created a monochromatic picture. She knew what she was doing; this is kid art in its purest form.
Pavo standing with my oil painting.
Pavo’s drawing interprets my oil painting hanging at the foot of my grandma’s staircase. She decided to draw it when I told her I was the artist. It warmed my heart to see her so willing to copy what I’ve done.
These girls are a true joy. They’re lively, affectionate, and say the darndest things. Karla is the eldest with a spunky soul. Pavo is shy but eventually warms up and never leaves your side. I also learned her looks could kill.
Looking through these pictures reminds me of the little moments we had together and how much I miss them. They didn’t let me go. It was “prima this,” “prima that,” and “prima let’s go to the plaza!”
Without them, my trip to Mexico would have been lackluster. They brought me a sense of life!
Here are the girls drawing to their heart's content. They went through a LOT of paper.

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